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GGTN Permit to Use

GGTN 사용허가

러시아에서 GGTN 은 Gosgortechnadzor의 약자로 러시아에서 RTN, Rostechnadzor 로 알려진 산업청의 전신입니다. 카자흐스탄 내에서의 GGTN 은 러시아의 RTN 과 역할을 같이합니다. 카자흐스탄 GGTN에서는 카자흐스탄 법령 About civil protection (article 70, 71), 04.11.2014 와 Rules of identification of hazardous production facilities No. 353, 12.30.2014에 따라 위험 산업단지에서 사용될 기술 장비들에 대한 사용허가를 발행합니다. 현재는 폐지된 러시아 RTN approval 과 마찬가지로 GGTN permit to use는 카자흐스탄 최종사용자에게 관련장비, 공장, 시설이 카자흐스탄 안전법령들에 의거 해 사용허가를 받았음을 의미하며 가동을 위한 가스, 전기, 수도 사용 등의 연결을 허가하는 “공식사용허가서” 이기도 합니다.


GGTN 사용허가 특이사항

카자흐스탄 GGTN 사용허가는 각 제품에 요구되는 TRCU 인증서 또는 GOST K 인증서 등이 완료된 후 진행되며 제품/시설의 종류에 따라 시운전, 공장 감사 등이 이루어질 수 있습니다.


GGTN 사용허가 주요 해당분야

  • Production, use, processing, formation, storage, transportation, destruction of at least one of the following substances;
    • ionizing radiation source;
    • flammable substance;
    • combustible substance;
    • the oxidizing substance;
    • toxic substance;
  • Production of fusions of ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metals and alloys on the basis of these metals;
  • Conducting mining, drilling, prospecting, explosive operations, works on mining and processing of mineral raw materials, works in underground conditions
  • Technical devices working under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature more than 115 degrees Celsius except for thermal networks;
  • Load-lifting mechanisms, escalators, ropeways, funiculars, elevators;
  • Steam boilers and the boilers working under pressure of more than 0.07MPa and (or) at a water heating temperature more than 115 degrees Celsius, the vessels working under pressure of more than 0.07MPa, load-lifting mechanisms, escalators, ropeways, funiculars, elevators of objects of housing and communal services.


GGTN 사용허가 필요서류

  • The declaration letter certified by the stamp of firm and the signature of the head;
  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • Data on the manufacturer of the equipment;
  • Description (technical characteristics, appearance, scope);
  • Operation Manuals;
  • Passports according to requirements of industrial safety;
  • GA Drawing;
  • Protocols of production tests (if is);
  • For the equipment in explosion-proof execution it is represented certified the certificate of conformity
  • Data on a chemical composition and mechanical durability of the materials applied at production of products (if is);
  • Data on welding seams and methods of nondestructive control (if necessary);
  • The certificate of conformity in system of TRCU or GOST K
  • Protocols of independent foreign laboratories (if is)
  • The certificate of the ISO 9000 series (if is);


CERINS Headquarters

B-905, Woolim Blue 9 Business Center, 583, Yangcheon-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Korea +82 2 337 4611